Monday, November 15, 2010

A Chill In The Air

I took advantage of the chilly morning and put both boys in a warm and cozy outfit. Deegan had a striped fleece onesie that I bought on sale that I wasn't sure he'd be able to wear-size and winter timing, but it got to sport it today. Camden was in his usual jeans and t-shirt but put on an adorable fleece zip-up a friend of mine gave him.

Camden is such a cheese-ball!
Can't you tell?

I had to take a picture...who knows if it'll be cold enough the rest of the week to put them on again. And no, I'm not being dramatic.
Well, maybe just a little.

Friday, November 12, 2010

In The Backyard

This morning the boys and I headed outside to play and have a picnic before a cold front makes its way through later today. Once it gets here we should be soggy with rain for the next three days. Since we'll most likely be cooped up in the house for a while we took advantage of the warm sunny morning.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Six Weeks

It is hard to imagine how fast the last six weeks have gone by. They seem to have gone faster with little D than they did with big C.
I love our alphabetical order initials!
Although I may be a little nerdy for using them.

Here is my chunky little monkey:

Deegan is a relaxed and mellow baby who only seems to fuss when he's hungry-although he seems to be hungry all the time! (hints him being a chunky monkey) He's staying awake for longer periods of time throughout the day and is much more inquisitive and alert during those times. He seems to stare at everything around him like he's trying to figure this crazy ol' world out. He's sleeping a good five hour stretch at night although he tends to think its play time once he's done feeding rather than time for him to go back to bed. We're not exactly sure what he weighs now (we don't go back to the pediatrician until his 2 month check up) but shows around 10.5 pounds when I weigh him on our scale at home. He's well into three month clothes. He's starting to babble but I'm still waiting on "real" smiles.

Like I said, it's hard to believe how fast six weeks has passed and how much he's already changing. Although we're still adjusting to being a quad I couldn't imagine our family without our little D.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bath x2

The last few weeks Brian and I have both been doing bath duty. (we would alternate bath days before Deegan was born) Brian would give Camden his bath in the bathroom while I would bathe Deegan in his little tub in the kitchen over the sink. The worked perfectly until I was left with both boys last night when Brian went to a meeting at church.

I toyed with the idea of skipping Deegan's bath but he's so calm and ready for bed after that I hated to and skipping Camden's wasn't an option because he had pictures at school the following day. I could have done one and then the other but wasn't sure what to do with the other kiddo while bathing the other so I went for option #4...a bath together. This is what I came up with:

I'm sure this isn't the "intended use" of the baby bath tub but it worked. Camden played while I washed Deegan. Once Deegan was clean I pulled him out of the tub, got him dressed and laid him on a blanket while I repeated the wash and dressing routine with Camden.

With them in the tub at the same time I even had a little extra "help."

Dewberry Farms

I have seriously underestimated how hard it would be to sit down to blog and post new pictures on here. If I have spare quiet time I'd rather take the time to enjoy it rather than try to think of something cleaver to say. With that being said, I wanted to get pictures up from last weekend when my Mom visited.

We made the drive west of Katy to visit Dewberry Farms. I highly recommend anyone in the Houston area to look them up and make the drive-it is worth it for some good ol' fashioned farm fun.

Camden rode a pony...

Fed the goats...

Took a ride with Nana...

Jumped on the air pillows...

Played on the in the fort and on the slides...

And enjoyed the great outdoors...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treat

Ballunar Liftoff

Ballunar Liftoff is a balloon festival held at JSC each year. The event had hot air balloons, rockets, model planes, skydivers, paragliding, crafts, food and carnival games. We ventured out on Saturday afternoon to check out the events and watch the balloon lift off that evening. Our first stop was the carnival area where Camden jumped with bungee cords on a trampoline. He was excited and scared to death at the same time but asked to go again once he got down so I'm guessing that excited won out over being scared.

After the few carnival activities we checked out the rest of the festival, watched the model rockets launch and skydivers land. We stuck around to eat fine fair quality food only to learn the balloon launch had been canceled due to the high winds.

We left shortly there after only to return the next morning-pjs and all- to catch a glimpse of the balloons as they landed at the center. Camden was excited to finally see the balloons that we had been telling him about and proclaimed that he "wants one of those." I'm not so sure that we'll be adding that to his Christmas list but we'll definitely hang on to the memories of his excitement.