Saturday, February 5, 2011

Party Time

We were so excited for Camden's third birthday party since it was going to be the his first real kids party. The two previous years we celebrated with family and close friends; the only kiddos there were usually ones we were related to. This year we invited all of
Camden's little friends.

We booked his party at AcroSports where the kids had a 50 minute tumble class followed by cake, ice cream and presents. The kids had a blast running around, flipping, swinging, jumping. I wish I had better pictures of all the kids playing but they were all moving the entire time so I only managed to get a few pictures that weren't blurry.

Camden requested a tractor cake for his birthday. Tractor to Camden means construction vehicles. I had quite a time finding a tractor cake that met the construction criteria but managed to come across a cute one at Kroger that was actually quite delicious.

Tumbling, cake, ice cream, balloons and friends...we all had a great time celebrating Camden's third birthday!

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