Thursday, September 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Deegan

I am the mother of a three year old and a ONE year old!

I find myself sitting here trying to write about the last year and can't even believe that it has been a year since Deegan was born. I don't know where time has gone or how my chubby little baby turned into an independent toddler quite so quickly.

Deegan, my chunker-monker, you are such a sweet and funny little boy. You have the best expressions, sweetest laugh, give the best hugs and the sloppiest kisses. You are a terrible napper and love to bug your brother to bits; you want to go anywhere he goes and do anything he does. You are our good eater; you'll eat anything we put in front of you and cry for more. In fact, when you're hungry you'll go into the kitchen and scream while trying to climb into your booster seat. You love to be outside, dig in the dirt, play in the water,
swing and go for walks. You love to be held yet want to be put down the instant something interesting catches your eye.
You're funny, a flirt and usually a mess.

Your Daddy and I love you to pieces! You were the prefect addition to our family and, even though Camden loves to pick on you now, I know that he loves you and that you two will be the best of friends. You'll also probably beat the snot out of each other, but I think
that's just what brothers do.

Happy Birthday Deegan!

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